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Goddess of sin and pure pleasure

The most interesting woman I ever met in my life was brought by a hot autumn wind in my path and soon enough she filled my mind, body and soul with her unforgettable smell, playful words and beautiful smile.

Jarod Kintz once said about the woman of his dreams that „She looked like the kind of woman I could fall in love with. Trouble is, she was standing next to the kind of woman I’d like to make love to”. This woman was definately the one to make love and to give up all your senses in her arms, between her long, beautiful legs. Sex was present in every little part of her body, in every phrase, on her lips and mind.

The first encounter was like tidal waves crashing on a rocky shore. Only that the shore was also moving towards the waves, embracing them, dominating their power and forcing them to cry for more.

Both our senses were climbing mountains of pleasure and oblivion of anything, but the two bodies that were moving as one ship sailing on whirling seas. Climax was just a few steps away, but the painful need of getting more and more closer, until the two pieces would become the next supernova of the dark blue sky, was continuosly pushing the finality.

Suddenly, two screams were united by an overflow of emotions and pure pleasure as few people can experiment in an entire lifetime.

Soon enough, the tenderness, the addictive smell of her body, her fine spirit and beautiful mind would disappear as they came into my life…with the hot autumn wind.

Afraid of feelings that she did not want to experiment, with a book full of failed relationship around her, she prefers to sail from harbour to harbour until a storm will end her continuous voyage.

„If you want to love me, then darling don’t refrain” says a song. Fear no future misery as the present is now and anything can happen on the way. Carpe diem!

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