Love mall

Love mall

The shopping mall is the new temple of the modern society. We spend more time in malls than we spend with our partners, families.

Everything is for sale, for the right price. Clothes, shoes, hair color are being changed faster than seasons passing by. Our parents and their ancestors used to repair things, to cherish material things and even pass them by to the new generations. Today we are throwing away perfectly good clothes, phones, TVs after 6 months because a “new model” was just launched.
This carelessness is also applied in case of relationships that we are part of.

We recycle friends, lovers at the first sign of things going in the wrong direction. We try to change everybody, not allowing time to know them, to understand their personality, their needs.

We constantly run for perfection in every moment of our life, forgetting to look in the mirror from time to time, to check our imperfections.

And when we finally find somebody that knocks us over, we fear the worst. That everything will fall apart suddenly, that a great love like that cannot have some flaws somewhere. And we keep looking for defects until we find something. Or we invent something. Because we have to be right in the end.

Let’s cherish what we have, to praise the Gods that we are still alive, that we can move, love, have sex.

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