First kiss

First kiss

The most important moment in the seduction process, in every start of a relationship is the first kiss. This is a moment long waited for, which sets the pace for the next few scenes.

The first kiss is better than the sex, which could eventualy spawn from it. It can bring exciting promises, feelings or it can lead to a unsurpassed abyss.

I remember vividly most of the first kisses in my life. How they started, about how easy or difficult it was to pick the right moment, to feel when she is ready to receive your lips.

Some women make it very easy. They have a very good body language and you feel from the first moment that they plan to trash your body, to use you for their own pleasure. Some other are ice queens, who wait to be asked for permission to be kissed.

Recently i discovered that there is even a 10 steps guide on how to prepare and perform the first kiss. Really!!! Every person is different and should do this on his/her own pace and learn from each experience, not just replicate the experience of some other person.

I personally love this moment and all the times I tried to imagine a life without a new first kiss, a conclusion has not been reached. Maybe if the one that will be the WOMAN for me will be capable to be constantly a surprise in my life will recreate at certain moments in time the emotion of the first kiss.

Dreams and dreamers

Dream of a career, dream about a family, dream about good and bad things that happen around you. It’s so natural to retreat in dream world where to find what is missing in your small petty life.

My favorite kind of dream is the daytime wet dream. The dream that starts with a beautiful woman that crosses your path and suddenly your eyes meet and exchange promises of dirty, luscious sex.

“She is a gorgeous woman and I would dearly make love to her”. “He is so attractive that I feel a shivering desire to make him mine right here, in full public view. Having so many people to watch us would be my all time fantasy”.

And everything stops…..Fear of rejection, past stranded relationships, dedication to a wife or husband waiting back home. All these take over and blow away the momentum.

You do not need to justify sex. It is one of the basic needs, some say more important than security. Maslow must have tried so hard not to put sex on top of his hierarchy of needs pyramid. Don’t think it, do it. It’s genuiness is the same as breathing.

They said in a movie once that fling is the new designer drug. What can be more arousing than the enticing first conversation, when the two are going around in concentric circles towards an undisclosed purpose. There are promises that their eyes exchange, desire that sweats from every pores in their bodies, tender touches.

What I yearn the most, every time a desirable woman catches my eyes, is the power of the first kiss that can lead to anything.  It can easily draw rejection, second thoughts. Or it can transform both into burning flames consumed by lust, sensuality and a tenderness encompassed by raw power to dominate each other bodies.

Remember that it’s all about the journey and not so much about where the road leads you. Start doing what pleasures you and let aside society’s educational constraints.

You will never forget people that lighted even a little fire within your body, but for sure you will forget the ones that remained strangers to you.

Life is too short to think and plan it. Don’t burn the bliss bridges!