Why I love her?

Why I love her?

I love her more and more each day that passes by. We met 7 months ago and it’s been like a carousel ride ever since, experiencing new sensations, new experiences every day.

I thought at the time I met her that I ticked everything in life, but I was completely wrong.
I love her for the way she smiles in the morning, for how she takes my arm and leans her head on my shoulder.

I love her for how she cleans her teeth with her tongue in a subtle and teasing invitation to the best sex I ever had in my life. Sometimes it’s rough sex, bodies spanked, biting each other. Other times the sex is very romantic, playing roles, even repeating the first sexual experience we had as virgins. The sex we have is above any sexual experience I had in the past.

I love her for her mind and the very interesting conversations we share.

I love the way she gets close to my daughter and how my daughter starts to love her.

I love her for all the great stuff we do, for the wonderful perspective that she opened for me.

I love her for the peacefulness she instils in me, for making me wanting to be a better man.

I love her…..

Goddess of sin and pure pleasure

The most interesting woman I ever met in my life was brought by a hot autumn wind in my path and soon enough she filled my mind, body and soul with her unforgettable smell, playful words and beautiful smile.

Jarod Kintz once said about the woman of his dreams that „She looked like the kind of woman I could fall in love with. Trouble is, she was standing next to the kind of woman I’d like to make love to”. This woman was definately the one to make love and to give up all your senses in her arms, between her long, beautiful legs. Sex was present in every little part of her body, in every phrase, on her lips and mind.

The first encounter was like tidal waves crashing on a rocky shore. Only that the shore was also moving towards the waves, embracing them, dominating their power and forcing them to cry for more.

Both our senses were climbing mountains of pleasure and oblivion of anything, but the two bodies that were moving as one ship sailing on whirling seas. Climax was just a few steps away, but the painful need of getting more and more closer, until the two pieces would become the next supernova of the dark blue sky, was continuosly pushing the finality.

Suddenly, two screams were united by an overflow of emotions and pure pleasure as few people can experiment in an entire lifetime.

Soon enough, the tenderness, the addictive smell of her body, her fine spirit and beautiful mind would disappear as they came into my life…with the hot autumn wind.

Afraid of feelings that she did not want to experiment, with a book full of failed relationship around her, she prefers to sail from harbour to harbour until a storm will end her continuous voyage.

„If you want to love me, then darling don’t refrain” says a song. Fear no future misery as the present is now and anything can happen on the way. Carpe diem!

Hunt or be haunted

Hunt or be haunted

A very bored couple enters a pub and sits at a table next to another bored and attractive couple. They speak to each other with their mouths, but their eyes are speaking to the woman and man next to them.

The neighbor woman stands and goes to the bathroom. The man invokes an excuse and also goes to bathroom. He waits for her and when she exists, he asks for permission to sense her perfume and he kisses her on the neck, while his hand reaches her panties and caresses her pussy.

When he returns to the table, he asks his lover if the smell on his fingers is familiar to her. She throws lightings towards him and demands to leave at once.

They drive home and enter the apartment. She turns off the light he just turned on and kneels to offer him a great blow job, spitting on his penis and devouring every inch of it.
His hunter senses are activated to the maximum. Another trophy is demanded from her, though.

He lifts her up and presses her body to the wall. His hands are tearing off her panties and he penetrates her pussy, making her moan gratefully for the pleasure he is offering. The play continues though, while he is searching for another place, that no other man before him touched. She is trying to escape his attempt to sodomize her, but without success.

He is pushing harder and harder, while she feels mixed feelings of pain and pleasure. Their bodies shiver long after his juices fills the fortress never conquered before by anyone.

Will this new found pleasure make him forget his constant desire for hunting and buy her some more time with him?

First kiss

First kiss

The most important moment in the seduction process, in every start of a relationship is the first kiss. This is a moment long waited for, which sets the pace for the next few scenes.

The first kiss is better than the sex, which could eventualy spawn from it. It can bring exciting promises, feelings or it can lead to a unsurpassed abyss.

I remember vividly most of the first kisses in my life. How they started, about how easy or difficult it was to pick the right moment, to feel when she is ready to receive your lips.

Some women make it very easy. They have a very good body language and you feel from the first moment that they plan to trash your body, to use you for their own pleasure. Some other are ice queens, who wait to be asked for permission to be kissed.

Recently i discovered that there is even a 10 steps guide on how to prepare and perform the first kiss. Really!!! Every person is different and should do this on his/her own pace and learn from each experience, not just replicate the experience of some other person.

I personally love this moment and all the times I tried to imagine a life without a new first kiss, a conclusion has not been reached. Maybe if the one that will be the WOMAN for me will be capable to be constantly a surprise in my life will recreate at certain moments in time the emotion of the first kiss.



“Choose Life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television, choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol, and dental insurance. Choose fixed interest mortage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisurewear and matching luggage. Choose a three-piece suite on hire purchase in a range of fucking fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who the fuck you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked up brats you spawned to replace yourself.

Choose your future.

Choose life.”

The horrid truth from above is very well expressed by the movie “Trainspotting”. We are all drawn in a society whirlpool that negates our inner being, our feelings anddreams. A society that transforms all beings into trained soldiers of Capitalism, Communism or whatever fucking other –ism. We play family, we simulate love, just for fear of being rejected and ostracized.

I’ve been there already and tried them all, losing my true self in every drop of conformity to laws designed by a terrible society, centered on stabilizing the masses for the greater good of a few rulers. My biggest failure in the eye of a perverted society was probably the incapacity to shape a family. Been there twice already until my mid 30s and the only good thing that came out of my attempts was a beautiful baby girl who owns most of my heart and soul.

The mirror that I explored soon after my 2nd failed attempt, with the purpose to find out what is wrong with me, expressed clearly that there were no flaws or mistakes. The only wrong thing in my picture was what I was looking for and dreamed of.

Aristippus, a pupil of Socrates, founded a philosophy called hedonism, which centers on maximizing the net pleasure, preaching it as the only intrinsic good. Although I never was a religious being, I find this religion as the missing piece in my puzzle. There were instinctive attempts to embrace it ever since my adolescence, yet the perfidious rules were crushing them rapidly.

I’ve evolved in a month more than in 5 years of marriage. People’s personality is a sum of past experiences and people that transferred to you a part of themselves. The women that I’ve known in the past month managed to dazzle my spirit and mind, to incite my senses in a way beyond speech.

I will not put aside the wonderful sexual moments that I lived in these 30 days. The energy that I absorbed from the experiences with most of these women was far superior to the 2 above mentioned marriages. The net pleasure was well above past events.

“It’s hard to stay mad, when there’s so much beauty in the world. Sometimes I feel like I’m seeing it all at once, and it’s too much, my heart fills up like a balloon that’s about to burst… And then I remember to relax, and stop trying to hold on to it, and then it flows through me like rain and I can’t feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life.”


The lines from American beauty can be assumed by anyone capable of a strong introspection, followed by a redefinition of personal strategy. I’ve been there and I look forward to what my new religion will bring. No plans, no more constraints or stupid principles. I live for the hunt of pure pleasure.

Goddess of sin and pure pleasure

The most interesting woman I ever met in my life was brought by a hot autumn wind in my path and soon enough she filled my mind, body and soul with her unforgettable smell, playful words and beautiful smile.

Jarod Kintz once said about the woman of his dreams that „She looked like the kind of woman I could fall in love with. Trouble is, she was standing next to the kind of woman I’d like to make love to”. This woman was definately the one to make love and to give up all your senses in her arms, between her long, beautiful legs. Sex was present in every little part of her body, in every phrase, on her lips and mind.

The first encounter was like tidal waves crashing on a rocky shore. Only that the shore was also moving towards the waves, embracing them, dominating their power and forcing them to cry for more.

Both our senses were climbing mountains of pleasure and oblivion of anything, but the two bodies that were moving as one ship sailing on whirling seas. Climax was just a few steps away, but the painful need of getting more and more closer, until the two pieces would become the next supernova of the dark blue sky, was continuosly pushing the finality.

Suddenly, two screams were united by an overflow of emotions and pure pleasure as few people can experiment in an entire lifetime.

Soon enough, the tenderness, the addictive smell of her body, her fine spirit and beautiful mind would disappear as they came into my life…with the hot autumn wind.

Afraid of feelings that she did not want to experiment, with a book full of failed relationship around her, she prefers to sail from harbour to harbour until a storm will end her continuous voyage.

„If you want to love me, then darling don’t refrain” says a song. Fear no future misery as the present is now and anything can happen on the way. Carpe diem!