To love her

To love her

Love, such an interesting concept. What sick bastard invented you?

It hearts when you experience it, it hurts when you don’t have it. You run all life to find it and you run from it many times. It can bring somebody to Heaven or it can throw you to the deepest Hell.

I would rather live 1 more hour of my life being loved, than an eternity without love. This feeling is what defines us as humans, separates us from beast and elevates our spirits.

I believe in soulmates, people that are meant to meet each other, to change dramatically each other’s life, to share experiences beyond what words can describe. It’s hard sometimes to perceive them as such, but when you do, grab them as if your life would depend on it. Because it does. Your life is not complete without their presence or far from their beneficial influence.

It hurts like Hell when you are apart from them, it’s like drowning while gasping desperately for air, crying without a voice to be heard. Everything else in your life turns to be meaningless and you can hardly wait to finish all other chores and be reunited with your dear soulmate.

Not a single thing you do together is trivial and everything seems to be off the chart, beyond comparison, as if deity is just a step away.

They say your soulmate does not need to be a person of the opposite sex. It can be a close friend, a child, etc. My soulmate was a woman…”what else?” some close friends would say. She was the world to me, I was not myself when she was away…especialy when she was with her husband.

I prayed to every God I knew to bring her back to me the very moment she was out the door. My thoughts were with her every moment of my life. I was dreaming of her every night, when I embraced the pillow she rested her head.

Everytime I was rejoined with her it was like our first date: new, fresh, full of lust and love. But I knew everytime that the end will come again and again and my soul will be shattered to pieces.